As the official 4-H store, our mission is to provide affordable, high-quality supplies & educational materials that will enable and create opportunities for youth to develop their full potential. 

Take Home A Free Gift!

Start shopping for Volunteer Appreciation Month and receive a free gift with each $100 spent at Shop 4-H! Offer expires March 31st, at 11:59PM ET, is only available while supplies last and excludes event registration and other select products.

The Express Yourself 4-H Discover Box Available Now!

This kit is all about using creative outlets to express yourself! Learn about different artistic techniques and ways to tell your story and show your creative side.

Save On Printed Curriculum

Shop and Save On Printed Curriculum With Everyday Bulk Pricing!

Shop Customizable 4-H Tees!

Shop a variety of fresh designs that can be customized for your club, county, state or event.