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This tall, 24 oz. plastic tumbler changes color when you fill it with your favorite cold beverage!
Drink in style with our Color Changing 4-H Cup! This cup changes color as the temperature of your drink changes. Stay hydrated while adding some fun to your day. Perfect for on-the-go or at home. Includes plastic straw.
Works best with ice cold beverages.
Based on their interests and guided by adult mentors, youth develop their own pathway in 4‑H. They select from a broad menu of local 4‑H programs, which provide hands-on, learn-by-doing, opportunities.
Kids thrive when given the tools to succeed. CLOVER offers a supportive space to achieve. CLOVER has something for everyone, with 190+ interactive, exciting activities for ages 5-18, including augmented reality!
4‑H programs are available through local 4‑H clubs, 4‑H camps, in-school, and after-school programs. With the support of adult mentors, youth from ages 8-18 select from a menu hands-on project ideas to complete.