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Build yourself a third arm! This is a pretty incredible hydraulic powered remote-controlled arm. Use it to pick up your room, eat snacks, stack blocks, play a game, or battle against other hydraulic arms -some of these tasks may be easier than others to complete!
The arm is built totally by you, from scratch! You construct it by measuring, cutting, reaming holes and tapping. This arm is "advanced," because it has 8 cylinders (4 cylinders move the arm, 4 cylinders form the control panel), and it has parts to make it into almost anything you can imagine. Build it using the instructions, then re-engineer it! Create your own unique design, incorporating recycled materials or anything else you can find. It comes with plenty of extra components included to help you change and create something completely new. Try re-engineering the arm so it can pivot at the base!
This educational product pairs well with the Junk Drawer Robotics Curriculum and is suitable for all ages, however youth 12 and under may require adult supervision.
Based on their interests and guided by adult mentors, youth develop their own pathway in 4‑H. They select from a broad menu of local 4‑H programs, which provide hands-on, learn-by-doing, opportunities.
Kids thrive when given the tools to succeed. CLOVER offers a supportive space to achieve. CLOVER has something for everyone, with 190+ interactive, exciting activities for ages 5-18, including augmented reality!
4‑H programs are available through local 4‑H clubs, 4‑H camps, in-school, and after-school programs. With the support of adult mentors, youth from ages 8-18 select from a menu hands-on project ideas to complete.